Open Minded
short, 4', 2018
The journey of a girl pursuing her goal: open her mind.
Festivals (a selection):
Publikumspreis + 3. Platz - 43. Schweizer Jugendfilmtage, Zürich, CH
Special Mention - London-Worlwide Comedy Film Festival, London, UK
21th PÖFF shorts, Black Nights Film Festival, Tallin, EE
33e FIFF Festival international du film de Fribourg, CH
(14 festival selections)
A very good impression
short, 4', 2021
A young and clumsy boy learns dancing to impress his crush.
Festivals (a selection):
Best actor & Best Comedy Music Video, Rome Music Video Festival 2022, IT
Best Low Budget 2021, Short To The Point, ROM
Best actor, Euro Music Video Song Awards 2022, SK
Short To The Point International Film Festival, Bucarest, ROM
Harlem International Film Festival 2022, NYC, USA
iFilms International Short Film Festival, INDIA
Beyond the scene (Afra Kane)
doc, 11', 2023
An intimate and personnal look of the singer Afra Kane during her tour in South America.
La Dédicatesse
doc, 26', 2022
A theater troupe from a small town in Switzerland is adapting "The Little Prince," with actors and actresses who come from migration backgrounds and Fribourg. However, suddenly, the pandemic crisis destabilizes the creative process. A human and social struggle to survive and to be able to perform.
(my) Moments in HK
doc, 3', 2017
Hong Kong in few moments. My personal experience in this city.
Chant des Ombres
short, 4'35'', 2021
A young violinist player plays a song in a cathedral. She sets a mysterious ambiance and spirits come.
Festivals (a selection):
35e FIFF Festival international du film de Fribourg, Fribourg, CH
short, 12', 2019
A clowness tries without success to get hired for a show. One day she meets a mysterious director...
Festivals (a selection):
SRG Regienominee - 12. Gässli Film Festival, Basel, CH